Total Hours Spent a-Stitching: 2 hours, 30 minutes
I started a new job today, so my stitching didn't happen until late tonight. The job seems great and I hardly thought about the cross-stitch while I sat through eight hours of orientation (meaning rapid-fire presentations on health insurance, customer service values, and diversity training separated by a tour of the fitness center and free sandwiches).
Well...I did think about how much I could accomplish if only I could stitch AND listen to the customer service video called "Give 'em the Pickle!", but that wasn't possible. I did well for the time I had today. The puppy's really fleshing out.
Plus, as I was uploading this photograph, I heard from Cross Stitch Lady again.
"Just checking as to how the project is coming along!"
:) Cross Stitch Lady
I wrote her back and thanked her for the extension.
Tomorrow is my husband's and my first anniversary! We're both working tomorrow and plan to go out for sushi tomorrow night. So...I may take a day off from the old stitcheroo and toast to a wonderful first year of marriage!
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