Total Hours Spent (during the last two days) 10 hours and some odd minutes.
Life happened the last two days and something had to give, so it turned out to be this blog. I still managed to whip out this little project a good bit each day, but with the show closing and getting ready to leave on our trip, my sanity was already on the brink of taking its own vacation so I needed to chill a bit.
As we were getting ready to fall asleep last night, my husband brought up the subject of asking the Cross-Stitch Lady for an extension. I've already thought of this a number of times, as I continue to wonder how on earth I'll manage to finish in a month, but I've come up with a few reasons why I shouldn't ask her for one.
1- If I ask for an extension, I'll be changing the terms of the deal, and I feel like I should take a reduction in pay for being late. At what might amount to 25 cents an hour (if I keep going at this rate), I'd really rather not do that.
2- If I keep barreling through, then I will get this thing done as soon as possible, and that sounds appealing.
3- I still kind of think I can finish in time.
My husband's reason was simple and clear: He wants his wife back.
I see his point. Since the project began I have holed myself up in the guest room, stitching away, playing hours and hours of FRIENDS dvd's on my computer, and stopping only for a few meal and potty breaks. I really haven't allowed myself much fun time, except on Christmas, and even then I put in five hours on this darn thing.
It may be time to swallow my pride and ask, just ask for an extension. If she says no then we can continue barreling, but if she says yes then I can take a second to breathe...
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